child proof door locks

The best child proof door locks for all types of doors in your home

It is not as straightforward as it seems, and some parents have found themselves confronting major issues in finding the appropriate child proof door locks when they attempt to babyproof their home. Of course, you always worry about your child’s safety and try whatever you can to keep them away from harm when in or…

severe diaper rash treatment

A Severe Diaper Rash Won’t Go Away? – 5 Types And Ways How To Treat It

What to do when your baby’s severe diaper rash won’t go away? What if the usual over-the-counter creams and ointments fail? It may be that it is not a typical rash that most babies have at some point.For example, rashes may occur when the skin comes in contact with irritating watery stool for extended periods….

best baby sunscreen

The best baby sunscreen to use for baby’s sensitive skin without toxic chemicals

Sun protection is a serious matter, and finding the best baby sunscreen is hard. The safest and best sunscreen for babies and toddlers would ideally be one that blocks all UVA and UVB radiation. It would also protect for many hours, be free of harmful ingredients, and not provoke skin reactions. As we all know,…